Application form 360 VAL THORENS
Hi there!!

The team is FULL for this season, but we will keep your application on record just in case a position becomes available!

Thank you for your interest to work @360

This questionnaire is our way to get to know you a little, please answer the questions truthfully.

You don’t like physical work? Then stop wasting your time. We are not looking for you. Due to the weather and our location there is a lot of "other" stuff to do then just bar work.
You don't need bar experience to apply.

If you have your accommodation or your work visa for France sorted your chances of getting a job increase a LOT!

PS: The form is in English for a reason... don't answer in French, thank you.
PSS: You have to re-apply for the 24-25 season!!!

Please add 360 VALTHORENS on your Instagram and accept our friend request.
 The countryside
 The city
 I don't want the job for the money!
 Graphic designer
 I can work with metal
 I can do magic
 I make anything out of wood
 I can selll people more then they order
If your answer was "a job at 360" please try again.... 
 Yes, i am a pro!
 Yes, i have some experience behind a bar
 No, but i have been in many!
 Ask the bartender for the cheapest drink
 Get on the dancefloor!
 Shazam the song playing
 Buy a drink and tip the bartender
 Text my mum I made it out safely
 Check out my chances to score
 Go on the mic and announce that THE BIG DOG HAS ARRIVED!
 Take a selfie for instagram
 Put my facemask on and social distance myself
If you have uploaded a group photo we don't know who you are dummy!  
Yes, that's it! Thank you for taking the time to apply! Please check if you have filled in all the obligated answers and press the SEND IT button. Thank you! Aloha!